Create a Main Folder,SubFolder in UFT and ZipAttachment to QC test
Function CreateMainFolder() On Error Resume Next 'Dim strDrive, strfoldername,objFSO, objFolder strDrive = "K:\QA\" strfoldername="Automation_Results" strPath= strDrive&strfoldername Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Check = FSO.FolderExists(strPath) Set FSO = Nothing If Not Check Then Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strPath) End If End Function Function CreateSubFolder(strPath) On Error Resume Next 'Dim strSubFile,objFSO, objFolder ''strSubFile = "Production_Result_"& Day(now) & "_" & month(now) & "_" & year(now) & "_"& hour(now) & "_" & minute(now) ''strNewpath=strPath& "\"&strSubFile Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Check = FSO.FolderExists(strNewpath) Set FSO = Nothi